Thursday, February 7, 2019

NEW VIDEO: "Being Sent Forth: World Youth Day 2019"

World Youth Day pilgrims from around the world are back home, having returned to the responsibilities of school and work, family life and social circles. Missy of The M Report and her guest Reyna discuss how to apply what was taught or experienced in Panama City back into their own lives.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

World Youth Day 2019 in Panama!

Hanging out at the Press Center with fellow Houston pilgrim, Reyna Anderson.

I'm finally back in the regular swing of things after one of the best experiences in my life (hands down!) 

Even on my birthday, the love kept pouring in and I was just overwhelmed with such gratitude and joy from strangers and those whom I hold close. 

So I wanted a central place to share all the stories I filed while I was in Panama as well as when I came back to New York. Ta-da! This post will have all the links. Thanks to all the pilgrims and especially to the group leaders who made the weeklong experience as seamless as possible.