By Missy E.
Hope is not far away for those who seek it. Every season has a purpose. (Photo by Nathan Cowley) |
If I'm a storyteller, if my gift is the written word, then I suppose here goes my reflection for Nov. 10's Sunday Soul Session on The M Report.
The Scripture parable about the woman and two coins was the main focus today. For a quick refresher, the people in the house of worship contributed money to the treasury, some offering large sums, but it was the offering of a woman in poverty who gave her only two coins, her everything to the treasury that stood out to Jesus where he pointed out her actions to His disciples. This written reflection is what I want to emphasize:
"Our Lord desires that we should know how badly we need Him, that we should perceive our profound poverty before Him. By giving her whole livelihood, this widow puts herself in a position that necessitates unmitigated trust in God's providence.
She is not afraid to be weak and small before God, and He delights in such childlike abandonment: our weakness attracts God because it offers Him an emptiness that He can fill ... no matter how deep the abyss of our misery, it cannot be an obstacle to God's action. Sanctity doesn't consist in this or that practice, but in a disposition of the heart which makes us little and humble in God's arms."
So the question begs to ask us, how is your heart, today? Does it need extra lovin', does it need a spark of joy, does it need healing? Does it need the freedom to speak something that's been hidden or abandoned?